Connecting medical professionals from Vietnam and SoCal since 2015
The Viet Cal Program has been connecting California-based orthopedic surgeons with Vietnam-based hospitals since 2015. Founded by Emily Benson and Serge Kaska, the program has grown larger each year and became a 501(C)(3) in 2018.
Our team consists of orthopedic surgeons, the chief residents from the Community Memorial Hospital Orthopedic Residency Program, and medical and pre-medical students. On annual trips to Vietnam, the Viet Cal team directs patient care in association with local Vietnamese orthopedic surgeons and residents at Viet Duc hospital in Hanoi. The program continues to expand to other hospitals in Vietnam, and every two years Viet Cal is able to host Vietnamese surgeons for additional training in the U.S.
If you are interested in being part of the medical team or would like to donate to the program, we’d love to hear from you.
To improve the care and treatment of patients, orthopedic and otherwise, through the collaborative exchange of information between American and international physicians/surgeons.
Get Involved
If you’re interested in joining a future Viet Cal team trip, we’d love to hear from you.
Donate medical products ▸
If you’d like to donate medical supplies to VietCal, let us know.
become a sponsor ▸
Our doctors are asked to pay their own way from plane tickets to accommodations. Your sponsorship will help defer personal costs to the team.
become a host ▸
Host one of our fellow Vietnamese surgeons when they join us in the US for the annual Orthopedic Trauma Association meeting.
Viet Cal 2024
May 30-June 8
the team
The group contains orthopedic surgeons including sports, joints, hand, pediatrics, and trauma specialists, orthopedic chief residents, pre-med students and possibly other physicians including internal medicine, family medicine, and emergency medicine.
Accommodations are provided at a discounted rate in Hanoi at the Hong Ngoc Hotel. Surgeons are expected to cover the cost of their flights, hotel and local expenses including most meals. Each evening is spent exploring Hanoi and follows the "work hard, play hard" mantra.
A typical day in Hanoi
Typically the trips consist of a long day of clinic the first day we arrive in Hanoi. On this day we meet all of the patients who have been screened as having a need for our services. We perform physical exams and review radiographic studies and determine treatment plans. We also schedule the entire week of surgeries and assign surgeons to each case. Then the following day we start operating and operate Monday through Friday or until the cases have been completed. Most of the operating takes place at Viet Duc hospital in Hanoi, however there will likely be side trips to outer provinces later in the week. Each morning the patients who had surgery the day before are seen on rounds in the hospital. After-care and follow up is provided by the local Vietnamese orthopedic departments. Also if other medical professionals attend the trip this year (such as emergency medicine, internal medicine, family medicine, etc.) arrangements will be made for them to meet with their respective departments at participate in didactics or teaching rounds.
Each of our team members is asked to cover the cost of their travel to and from Hanoi, or inquire about sponsored tickets that have been generously donated by our supporters.
Exchange of ideas
We also coordinate trips every two years for 2 Vietnamese orthopedic surgeons to come to the United States for a conference such as the Orthopedic Trauma Association. The Vietnamese surgeons are sponsored for the conference then spend time in San Diego, Los Angeles, and Ventura shadowing and discussing cases.