Improving Care Through Collaboration



May 30 - June 8, 2024


Our group stays at Hong Ngoc Hotel in Hanoi. They have served us well over the years and offer a special rate for our group which includes breakfast. The hotel is in the heart of the city within walking distance of many sites of Hanoi and is near the hospitals where we work. This year we will be spending half our time in a small northern province by the name of Ha Giang. We typically stay in a conveniently located hotel which is chosen by our Vietnamese colleagues.

What else do I need to do before traveling to vietnam?

The U.S. State Department offers a "traveler's checklist" listing documents you may want to bring and steps to take before you travel (notify your bank, figure out if you have health insurance abroad, etc). Find the checklist HERE.

What’s the climate of vietnam?

The weather will be hot and humid with scattered showers. Temperatures range from daily highs of 95 degrees to daily lows of 75 degrees. The humidity will make it feel much hotter, so dress and plan accordingly!

Do I need to register my trip with the embassy?

It’s recommended that you register your trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy/Consulate for safety reasons. Register through the STEP program HERE.

What vaccines are required?

Find the CDC’s recommended vaccine list and other health considerations for clinicians traveling to Vietnam HERE.

What’s a typical day’s schedule?

Typically the team meets for breakfast at the hotel first thing in the morning. A few early risers may head out on and run or explore the neighborhood to pick up Vietnamese coffee before breakfast. The group travels by taxi or shuttle to the hospital where they’ll work that day. The doctors spend 8 to10 hours performing physical exams, operating, or rounding on patient's they have operated on the day before. There is typically a lunch break during which food is brought to the hospital, or the team travels to a nearby local spot for a quick meal. At the end of the day the group is given time to decompress, and everyone is invited to dinner out with our Vietnamese colleagues to eat and drink together.


Find the latest Covid requirements for traveling to Vietnam HERE.

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